Tel: 01323 840753 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

New Customer Account Form

All new accounts will start with 4 weeks free delivery when you pay by Direct Debit. Please note that fields marked with * are required.

Title *
Please enter your title
Forename *
Please enter your initial
Surname *
Please enter your name
House No/Name *
Please enter your house name/number
Street *
Please enter your street name
Town *
Please enter your town name
County *
Invalid Input
Postcode *
Please enter your postcode
Telephone Number *
Please enter your telephone number
Email *
Invalid email address.
You will only receive your statement by email, we will not pass on your email.
When would you like your deliveries to start? *
Please select a date to start your delivery
(Please allow at least 24 hours for us to start a new account.)
Daily Papers
Please select the daily paper you require. If none are required, please selec 'none'.
Invalid Input
Please select the daily paper you require. If none are required, please selec 'none'.
Invalid Input
Sunday Papers
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Please select any local and weekly papers you would like below, if it is not listed please enter it in the box below.
Local and Weekly Papers
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Please select any magazines you would like below, if your magazine is not listed please enter it in the box below.
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Please inform us of any specific delivery instructions, additional requirements or other papers not listed above.
Invalid Input
How did you hear about us? *
Please choose an option
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
To start your delivery please either call us with your bank details or print a Direct Debit mandate and return to us.

Contact Us


Hargreaves Business Park, Hargreaves Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN23 6QW
Telephone: 01323 840753
Fax: 01323 501041

After hours email relating to the next days’ delivery: